Idrija lace Patterns design online course/Autumn 2024 - call for enrollment

Ljubljana, 13th of September 2024

The Autumn edition of my on-line Idrija Lace Design course is about to begin in October 2024.

  • Popular on-line Lace Design course 2024: pattern detail
  • Popular on-line Lace Design course 2024: motif lace

The course is given in English and consists of 10 weekly live Zoom meetings, followed by individual pattern corrections via email. All designs are drawn by hand, but no particular drawing knowledge or skills are required – we'll start simple and then, slowly, build up.

Main technique used in the course is the narrow cloth stitch (characteristic of Idrija lace) so basic knowledge of any tape-lace technique is welcome. Each lesson will be dedicated to a different design theme - from a simple free-flowing tape-lace design to drawing other lace techniques, repeating patterns, motif lace, colored lace and 3d lace.

The course will take place on either Monday or Wednesday evenings at 8.00 p.m. (For reference: my current (summer) time is UTC + 01:00).

Price/person: 150,00€.

Maybe this autumn is the right time for you to take your lace hobby to the next, creative level and start designing your own original lace. For course program, more information and applications please contact me via my email


Vse pravice pridržane Tina Koder & Infotronika 2008-2024